Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Twitter Feed

@CigaretteBurns_ brings the finest forgotten cult films back to the big screen, rumor has it that he watches in excess of 500 films a year.

@AlOverdrive his passion for the frozen image is only exceeded by his talent.

@deedeesvintage Dee Dee runs an awesome vintage on-line shop where you can find the perfect mix of Americana and British clothing
@ElectricAdam creates incredible latex costumes, inspired by science fiction and his own warped imagination.
@samo72 An outstanding collector of circles in squares and forgotten pictures. Whiskey. Ice. Crashed cars. Maps. Rubble.
Travis Hodges has done an intriguing project here... He picked one of his favourite twitter friends and photographed them then they picked their favourite twitter friend and he photographed them and so on and so on... It's a fascinating visual thread of a group of virtually-connected friends.  Each caption is Travis's brief description of each person. Check it out on his site http://www.travishodges.co.uk/followme/

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Nostalgic Food

Nigel Slater wrote a great book called Eating for England which is a sort of culinary portrait of the nation.  In it he describes the various foodstuffs he used to eat as a kid and the memories they invoke.  It's a shame that he didn't commission Joel Penkman to do some paintings for the book.  She uses egg tempura to paint with which means its not a quick process but the results speak for themselves.  Orange Club anyone? http://www.handsomefrank.com/illustrators/joel-penkman/

Friday, 18 May 2012


Don't know where Jessica Backhaus was when she found these wonderful brightly painted walls saturated in sunlight, but I want to go there.  Somewhere very hot, no doubt. She calls this series her symphony of shadows.  Simple and beautiful!  http://www.jessicabackhaus.net/symphony_of_shadows/images10.htm

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Street collage

Been away for a few weeks so it's the first post in a while.  Came across Sandrine Estrade Boulet's work today whilst doing some research and it made me smile...  Just goes to show that other people's detritus can be turned into someone else's treasure...   http://www.lebookmaker.com/artist/4/sandrine-estrade-boulet/portfolio/?image=969