Thursday, 19 April 2012


We had an amazing exhibition yesterday in the agency where I work which showcased the talent of the people who work here.  We called it Untapped. We had a couple of short films, someone who does incredible prosthetics make-up, some great cooks (fajita cupcakes anyone?), a couple of phenomenal singers and some fantastic artwork. The street portraits are by James Rooke, one of our art directors, and the bottom landscapes are by Matt Crabtree, one of our creative directors.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Guess who?

Samuel L Jackson

George Clooney

Angelina Jolie

Julia Roberts

Dubbing is big business in non-English speaking countries.  Did you know for instance that Vincent Cassell is always used to dub over Hugh Grant in his movies?  Jorn Tomter has done this fascinating study of the people behind the German voices who are regularly used to dub over the world's most famous filmstars.Jorn Tomter